Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What's New? In the Blue!

          So its basically one week after the completion of my debut album "One More Second Try" and I have to tell you, I am ecstatic!  It has been a long two months but now looking back through all the late nights and early mornings, its all been worth it.  I guess that's how anything you work hard for is at the end of the road.  It usually starts out fun and exciting and you can't wait for day one, but then throughout the process things take a tole on you and its easy to grow tired and weary and begin to miss those days where you were lackadaisical and didn't have a care in the world.  There were several times where I was so tired I didn't think I could make it.  On top of recording an album I have been leading worship at an awesome church called Lakepointe Church, leading a student worship team here at school, working with CFN Music during the day and  going to school full time.  There were countless days where I was running on 4 hrs or less of sleep and if you know me then that's not a good thing!!!  I have this thing where if I don't get at least 6 hours of sleep (And that's pushing it) then I turn into this green monster and terrorise the surroundings at hand.
          Through all of this I began to really just pay attention to the lyrics to my songs and one song that really continues to help me out is "In the Blue".  This song is a story about a girl who leaves her home and her familiar surroundings  in chase of a bigger and better life.  She is obviously frustrated with where she is and believes that her true home is "out there in the blue".  She moves out to the "Big Screen" city only to find she had everything she ever wanted back home where she came from.  So in the midst of reading over the actual lyrics of the song and being frustrated due to a lack of sleep, budgets, deadlines and an array of other things I found myself listening to my owns words, looking into the mirror you might say.  Home is right here in the midst of the chaos.  So that's what I hope this blog relays to you.  Even when you have come to the end of the rope, kids are going crazy, didn't get that promotion, car broke down, haven't found "the one" yet, and whatever else may bring you down. . . .take a few min and count your blessings cause one day you will look back and it will all seem trivial. 

Chris Martin

Album Release is December 10th, 2010 - following the release party December 7th, 2010
You are Invited! Details to Come........

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