Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Release - "I am giving up"

Release : to allow to be known, issued, done, or exhibited: to release an article for publication. ALSO - to give up, relinquish, or surrender.

I was thinking about this word today because it is coming into play with much of my daily interaction especially my thought process this month.  In 7 days from today I am having a release party for my debut solo album.  I have been working on this for 6 years in some form or fashion and its kinda strange seeing it all come into play.  I choose not to say that it is coming to an end because I believe that this is just the beginning.  When you release something its supposed to go out into the world and hopefully keep going.  When reading the actual definition of this word al lot of things came through my mind.  One of the synonyms used to describe "release" was "Give Up".  This word struck me because its exactly how I have been feeling.  I am in the midst of "Giving up" a lot of things in my life.  I am two weeks away from graduating my Advanced School of Worship and Technical Arts at Christ for the Nations
          This place has been my home and I have grown to know and love many people here.  I know a lot about this place. When you are somewhere for a long period of time you start to notice everything about it.  I would have a million places to hide if we were to throw down with some "Hide and Seek" and I can tell whats for lunch (by the smell alone) before I even walk into the doors of the Christian Center.  I know most everyone that passes by me in one way or another and I have grown closer to a lot of the staff members than I ever thought I would have.  But in two weeks I am off to a new chapter in my life and I will be giving up the things I have grown to know and love here.  I will always have my memories but I know things change and when I come back years into my future I am sure I will to have that awkward feeling of uneasy unfamiliarity in my stomach. Who are all these people? Where did that wall go? What happened to so in so that was teaching such and such? When did Dr. Seif grow a mustache? When did they start letting students wear jeans? {HINT HINT}
          Back to Releasing; the album that is coming out is a huge part of my life and reflects a lot of ways that I view life.  As you can imagine that's a scary thing to release into the public.  That old thought keeps trying to pop into my mind, "What if people don't like this?"  It takes me back to when I was 16 and I got the nerve up to show my youth pastor my first real song.  Or that time I was in 6th grade and had to play Linus in the school play with my very own dance/singing solo.  Its a personal thing to share your thoughts to the world.  But I keep coming back to those two words, "Give up". 
          "Giving up" - so commonly viewed as a derogatory statement without the potential for good, in my opinion.  We are trained that way from day one.  Everything we seem to know in our modern culture revolves around being first or winning or pushing ahead even at the expense of others.  I started thinking about it and Jesus and His "theology" was obviously the total opposite.  He always gave up and always FOR the expense of others.  He gave up his life so that we might gain one.  He was never worried about what others thought about what He thought.  He knew what He spoke was the truth and when you have an absolute there is no way around it.  So in the end I have decided to give up not only my ideals and thoughts to you but also the right to weather or not you will enjoy and agree with them.  I want to live with the intent of changing my world for the one who changed mine and I know that the words and music that have gone into this album are total truth.  I love you guys and thanks for staying involved with what is going on in my life.

Chris Martin
Order "One More Second Try" right now!

Album Release Party - December 7th @ Christ for the Nations
Album Official Release - December 10th @ Christ for the Nations (Night of Worship)

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