Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Now? (Things are strange)

Well it has been a little over a month now since my last posting.  I would like to say it’s because I have been so busy that I haven't had time but the truth is I have been so bored I haven't had the motivation.  Don't look at my words with those condescending eyes of yours, you know you have felt the same way before.  I left off on my last blog talking about the album release party that was coming up and giving up the right to hold onto anything in my life as "mine".  Well now it has been a month, the smoke and gold dust have dwindled and suddenly I can actually see myself clearly in the mirror.
          Now that schools around the country have officially started back for their spring semesters and all my friends are gone during the day, I suddenly feel quite strange.  I am not forced to get up early and attend class and I don't have an enormous school bill that is yelling at me every month (YET), but things are strange.  I am going to finish my college degree in the fall of this year but as of right now I have been incognito and things are strange.  So now I am faced with two options and I could use your help in the decision making even though I know then one that I need to choose already.  

1. Take the one semester I have off (in between the 3 years I just completed at one school and the 2 more years I will complete at this other school) to relax and not stress out.  You know just take a breather and set myself up for school in 6 months, this way I will "totally be ready for whatever comes my way"....or....

2.  Act my age.

These are two thoughts in one that I had today ...."It’s so hard to choose to be responsible and to stick with it when there is no driving force behind you pushing you every single day",  and that is when it hit me....."What has my driving force really been all this time? "I thought it was my relationship with God but was I fooling myself?”

Being out of school I realize how much I was being pushed by its momentum and was totally unaware of the fact that I may have been walking when I thought I was running.  When everyone around you is moving at a high pace you just automatically do the same.  But when you are no longer trying to stick with the crowd or the direction that they are moving in it is very easy to become sluggish and slow......... Maybe that is why old people keep having all these body problems and are always angry?  They all talk about how bad life is getting and what's hurting most this month more than what hurt a lot last month.  They all start slowing down in momentum and noticing all the horrible things in life rather than the good.  Props to the older people who still keep a smile on their face and look to the positive.  I think when I get old I am still going to hangout with college kids on the weekends, that way if I die it will be doing something worth dying over. lol  Like cliff jumping...(Sorry that was a rabbit trail)

So now I am going to get up early and continue spending time with Jesus (which I have been doing but it has just been at like 10 am hahaha) and not let this whole semester slip by only to look back and say I accomplished nothing.

Please if you are in a spot where you don't have to run, run.  Because everything you encounter that puts a desire in you to run was started by someone who was running before you.  – That’s my 2 cents of the day


PS The album is still for sale :)