Thursday, October 20, 2011

Songwriting Ideas : Part 1

Its hard to put a blueprint on songwriting because it is such a personal thing.
There are so many different ways to go about it but these are a few things that have worked for me.

When I decide I want to write a song it's usually on a whim. I hardly ever set out a time and date to write a song. Sometimes that occurs, especially with a co-write, but for the most part on a solo song I will just get alone at a random time of inspiration.

The part to watch for is just that though, inspiration.

Its good to try and carry something you can write with just in case that happens. (notebook, journal, phone, laptop) Write whatever it is that comes to your mind down and then think on it until you can get alone.

Once you have a main idea for a song then try doing a couple different things. Just start playing a simple progression that you can obviously change later if need be. Just sing!! If its a worship song then obviously you wanted it to come out of a real place of worship. Example: when a husband tells his wife she is pretty every day with no other adjectives it might get old and she might not believe it the 30th time like she did the 1st time.

Think about your life and the things you have been through that God has saved you from or brought you out of and relate it to the topic at hand in a new refreshing way. Try and change your mindset on how you explain things. If you were talking about the sky or ocean say something different than what everyone thinks of off hand, imagine you are explaining it to a blind person (someone who hasn’t seen what you have seen).

It's the same way with worship songs.

Get alone in His presence and He will show you things no one else has seen and then you can relate it to His people. On the flip side of the table is the part where we use our creative ideas given to us by God to make something up about God. What does this mean? It means you have the ability to write not only something God shows you but also something that you feel towards Him. Like I mentioned, using different adjectives to describe the beauty of a wife, we need to find different ways to describe God.

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